20.06: helistamine Ukrainas

Tuli jutuks Ukraina-sisene helistamine kohalike kaartidega (kahe peale üks kaart), et odavamalt sidet pidada, kuna Ukrainas olevat minutihind üpris krõbe -- 15 krooni.

"One of the best options could be to buy a mobile card one of the Ukrainian mobile operators to call as well abroad and inside Ukraine. Just be sure that your mobile phone supports GSM 900/1800 standard. If your mobile phone does not support mentioned above standard you can rent one (if you going to be in Ukraine just a few days) or buy appropriate mobile phone.

About calls: in Ukraine there're 2 major mobile operators: UMC and Kyivstar. There're as well other operators: Life and Beeline. For example, if you buy a Kyivstar card, when you call abroad (to the USA for example), instead of 8-10 (common entry on international line) you should use combination 8-15 (and then country code, city code, phone number). In this case outcoming calls will be cheaper, than if you use 8-10.

To call to the United States from 20:00 to 8:00 (GMT + 02:00) of a local time costs 1.5 Ukrainian hrivna (it means USD 0.3) per minute. Other time it costs 3 hrivna (USD 0.6) per minute. Incoming calls are free. The same (or almost the same) options offers another big Ukrainian mobile operator UMC. But here instead of 8-10 you should type 000. Calls to most of European countries cheaper, than in USA.

There are as well common telephone boxes on the streets, in some of cafes, restaurants, in hotels etc. But I can't say anything about prices. I will only say, that in Alupka there is a little chance of success to find such a public call-box." (link)

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